Ananya Sharma is a publishing professional and an upcoming writer. With eight years of experience, she has worked with reputed publishing houses including Rupa Publications, Pearson and Ratna Sagar. Ananya is likely to bring out her first collection of poetry and debut novel, this year.
A host of things…right from reading and evaluating manuscripts to seeing them off to the press.The pleasure of holding a published book—a product of creativity and sheer hard work—in your hands for the first time and its fragrance is a joy, none other but the author and the publisher would know! And this is what I like the most!
That is easy:
I like plays and prose alike: As You Like It, Candida, Julius Caesar, Accidental Death of an Anarchist, A Prisoner of Birth, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Iliad, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, David Copperfield, Jane Eyre, The hunger games and False Impressions, among others.I have read them over and over again, many times. It gives me great pleasure to pick them up every now and then…
Though prose and poetry seem to dominate, ‘poetry’ and ‘digital space’ are the buzzwords…And 4-5 years is a long time…
Weekend means more time with friends and family and a lot more sleep than usual!There is hardly any free time to pass; but if would be, I’d read or watch a movie.